Jason Featherby

Home / Our Team / Jason Featherby
Team member at Leeuwin Wealth.
E: jfeatherby@leeuwinwealth.com.au
P: (08) 6285 1234
M: 0422 669 651
Jason Featherby
Head of Financial Advice
Founder & Executive Director
E: jfeatherby@leeuwinwealth.com.au
P: (08) 6285 1234
M: 0422 669 651

Jason Featherby has over 25 years experience most recently as Principal of a leading West Australian Financial Planning firm. He takes a practical approach to his advice and enjoys helping his clients work towards a better financial position for themselves and their families. He focuses on providing sensible advice, with an emphasis on setting up sustainable financial structures that will work over the long term. He is passionate about helping people realise their financial objectives and making sure they understand the why behind his advice. Many of the clients he deals with are in a vulnerable position, and that drives him to make certain they are given the support and guidance they need. Jason specialises and focuses on the catastrophically injured and clients suffering Acquired Brain Injuries. Jason believes in providing plans that can be easily implemented and evolve with his clients’ circumstances. An avid sports fan, Jason barracks for the Western Bulldogs and can often be found watching their games. When he’s not working, he will happily spend half a day out on the water fishing.